The R&H organizational context ranges from small and focussed non-profits with alimited service and geographical scope to large multilateral internationalorganizations, such as World Vision and the UN agencies. Faced with a large,growing number of expatriates (Dahlgren et al., 2009; Taylor et al., 2012), R&Horganizations have a paucity of information on expatriate motivation and theachievable success of assignments. Given that these organizations are missionfocussed, it seems likely that some individuals will be strongly motivated by theintrinsic motivation of making a difference. Given the increasing threats to the securityof personnel in the field and a perceived backlash against global evangelizingactivity (Ferris, 2005), an important issue becomes, will intrinsic motivation alone besustainable? Future R&H organizational decisions for worker deployment coulddepend on establishing a baseline motivation profile.