Alec and Benny were both skillful and efficient workers in the cutting room ofExcellent Garment Factory (EGF), and thus were both candidates for the nextpromotion. Several months ago, Benny was promoted to the supervisory position inthe cutting room, as the two men were best friends; Alec was not too upset ordisappointed. In fact, Benny even granted Alec a slight pay increase in recognition ofhis good performance.Moreover, since Alec was good at his job, Benny often requested him to demonstratehis cutting skills to other workers so that they could learn from him. However, this didnot seem to work. The productivity even seemed to get worse.Benny often worried that his subordinates do not like him. He tried to talk to them towin their friendship. However, he was still not popular among his subordinates. Theproduction manager was upset that the productivity was so low, and Benny wonderedwhat he could do to improve the situation.
Alec and Benny were both skillful and efficient workers in the cutting room of<br>Excellent Garment Factory (EGF), and thus were both candidates for the next<br>promotion. Several months ago, Benny was promoted to the supervisory position in<br>the cutting room, as the two men were best friends; Alec was not too upset or<br>disappointed. In fact, Benny even granted Alec a slight pay increase in recognition of<br>his good performance.<br>Moreover, since Alec was good at his job, Benny often requested him to demonstrate<br>his cutting skills to other workers so that they could learn from him. However, this did<br>not seem to work. The productivity even seemed to get worse.<br>尼常常擔心他的下屬不喜歡他。他試圖說服他們<br>贏得了他們的友誼。不過,他仍然沒有他的下屬之間流行。該<br>生產經理很不高興,生產效率是如此之低,和Benny想知道<br>自己能做些什麼來改善這種情況。