Case progression in the state-federal VR agencies is represented by status number. The statuses of interest were Status 10 and 18. Status 10 indicated formal acceptance on the basis of eligibility criteria and order of selection. The eligibility criteria included the existence of an impairment that would create a substantial impediment to employment, ability to benefit from VR services in achieving employment outcomes, and clear evidence of the need for VR services to prepare for, engage in, or retain gainful employment. It was the task of the counsellor to evaluate applicant eligibility. If the applicant was accepted, they both formulated VR services to meet the vocational goals. This was called IPE development. To enter Status 18, the IPE should be completed in writing and approved by the agency. Status 18 marked the actual admission into the VR program, where individual with disabilities started receiving VR services as an implementation of the IPE. Classification of individual outcomes in this study was based on their records of Status 10 and Status 18. Those without Status 10 were coded “not accepted”, while the accepted cases without Status 18 were coded “not admitted”. Individuals who have these statuses were then coded as “accepted” and “admitted” cases, respectively.