In contrast to experiences of the birth event, the age pattern for satisfaction with overall intrapartum care was reversed. Men of advanced age were more satisfied with overall intrapartum care compared with men of average and young age (advanced age52%; average age 46%; young 39%; p=0.03) (Fig. 3).These seemingly contradictory findings motivated more indepth analyses of the men’s experience of intrapartum care and midwife support. Despite the fact that almost all men (99%) found the midwife medically competent, only 49% (n=378) were fully satisfied with her support. Satisfaction increased with age and accounted for 40% of the young, 50% ofmen of average age and 55%of the men of advanced age (p=0.02). Overt dissatisfaction with the overall support of the intrapartum midwife was reported by15% (n=113) of the men (Table 3): 22% of the young, 12% of the average aged and 15% of the advanced aged men (p<0.01). The young also more often experienced the midwife as inattentive to their partner, unsupportive, discouraging and not inspiring confidence.To assess whether overall dissatisfaction with the midwife受分娩模式或父親的經驗的勞工一樣困難我們進行多元迴歸分析,控制這些因素。在未經調整的分析中,年輕男性有雙重風險的不滿意助產士超過支援 (原油或 2.13,CI 95 %1.33-3.42) 相比平均年齡的男子。這種風險調整 (調整或 2.68,CI 95 %1.63-4.39) 的混雜因素後再進一步提高。我們發現父親的年齡和接生婆支援 (原油或 1.32; 不滿沒有統計學意義的相關性CI 95 %0.80-2.18;調整或 1.20,CI 95 %0.77-2.18)。