The water system of the electric furnace body, contact shoe, sleeve, and short net, and the oil coolers of transformer constitute the clean circulating demineralized water system, while the cleaning water system of the drying kiln dust collection draught fan, etc., constitute the clean circulating water system. All cooling processes are indirect cooling, thus the water will not be contaminated, but only water temperature rises, and it needs to build a circulating water treatment system.
The return water flows automatically to the hot suction tank in the pumping station via pipeline, lift to the cooling tower after being pressurized by pumps and then return to the cold suction tank in the pumping station after being cooled, finally supplied to the users after being pressurized by pumps.
The water system of the electric furnace body, contact shoe, sleeve, and short net, and the oil coolers of transformer constitute the clean circulating demineralized water system, while the cleaning water system of the drying kiln dust collection draught fan, etc., constitute the clean circulating water system. All cooling processes are indirect cooling, thus the water will not be contaminated, but only water temperature rises, and it needs to build a circulating water treatment system.The return water flows automatically to the hot suction tank in the pumping station via pipeline, lift to the cooling tower after being pressurized by pumps and then return to the cold suction tank in the pumping station after being cooled, finally supplied to the users after being pressurized by pumps.

Sistem air dari tungku tubuh listrik, sepatu kontak, lengan, dan bersih pendek, dan pendingin minyak transformator merupakan beredar sistem air demineral bersih, sedangkan sistem air membersihkan dari pengeringan kiln pengumpulan debu draft fan, dll, merupakan sistem sirkulasi air bersih. Semua proses pendinginan yang pendinginan tidak langsung, sehingga air tidak akan terkontaminasi, tetapi hanya suhu air naik, dan itu perlu membangun sistem pengolahan air beredar.
Air kembali mengalir secara otomatis ke tangki hisap panas di stasiun pompa melalui pipa, angkat ke menara pendingin setelah ditekan oleh pompa dan kemudian kembali ke tangki hisap dingin di stasiun pompa setelah didinginkan, akhirnya diberikan ke pengguna setelah ditekan oleh pompa.