Another thing I noticed: JK calls SJ foolish for messing up their chan的中文翻譯

Another thing I noticed: JK calls S

Another thing I noticed: JK calls SJ foolish for messing up their chance at singing the right song, and is hesitant about listening to him at their next turn, but when JH says "let's listen to him this time", he does not say anything and her instinct turns out to be right. She is one of the few people whose judgement he trusts even when she has a contrary opinion. We already saw how readily JH removed the buoys from the pole she had been guarding with her life when JK asked her to, without doubting his intentions for a second in the baywatch episode. I think the kind of trust SA have in each other is something remarkable.

One of the comments which made me really happy on insta was regarding how many felt the old JH had come back. For some years now, JH has been a shadow of her early RM self. She always tries her best in difficult missions (like the second Zombies episode) or in episodes centred around her and female guests (like the Queen Race recently), but for her to become her old variety self in two episodes back to back (since this episode was shot earlier than the SISTAR one) is quite a sight. That it happened twice when she was on KJK's team is perhaps not a coincidence. Myuk PD's return to the helm of things has definitely re-vitalised JH since perhaps she feels she finally got the PD back who could position her properly or give her the attention she deserved. However, one has to be blind if one doesn't notice how happy JH was during this entire episode and it definitely wasn't because she got to be on the same team as JSJ. Every time they won, JH couldn't wait to hold JK's hands or celebrate with him and how happy and carefree she was became most evident that time JS teases her about lying about not loving again and she, with a smile, turns around and wags her finger at him as she continues to sing nonchalantly (that is the early RM JH we know). I was just going through some screencaps of the Q&A and Jeju island episodes today and in that episode JH looked so uncomfortable especially when she is walking behind Gary for boarding the flight to Jeju and in the car with Gary in the Q&A episode where she is mostly checking her phone or looking out of the window. I had always wondered then whether JH becoming so silent was partly because she was being put in teams where she wasn't comfortable and used to wonder if being on JK's team would make a difference to her variety self. This episode kind of proves it does (especially coz Monday Couple loveline is no longer the burden it used to be). I guess this is the shipper in me speaking, but what I have observed with JK and JH is that while they may (or may not be) dating, they are among the closest RM members. They have similar temperament, the same things amuse them and they take so much joy out of planning something and winning at it. The very fact that they spend so much time outside of RM (tanning together, eating together and perhaps even gymming together) is an indication that they like each other's company and actively seek it. So when JK and JH find themselves on the same team, they get that extra pleasure out of it like that one gets when one gets to sit with one's BFF in class. I do hope we get more team combinations in the future with SA together, may be not always as a couple or as part of a trio, but at least like in the Baywatch-themed episode. I also realise why so many SA moments come up when JSJ is part of SA team. If it was KS or Haha or YJS with them, they would have to interact more with the third person of the team. For instance, if it was KS, then JK and KS have that tight bond (same with JH and KS), so while SA may still interact with each other, they have such close friendship with KS that their one-on-one interactions with KS would perhaps limit the one-on-one interactions they have with each other. But with Wangko hyung, while they give him the respect of an older man, they do consider him as a generation apart and so tend to stick together more so as to create more SA moments in the process. Wangko hyung also leaves them alone (kind of treats them as a couple) and doesn't try to interfere. He also doesn't tease them much which you can't expect from JS or KS. So, no wonder they act more couply when they are teamed up with him. But this time, their team combination as also really good and they included him more than they usually do in their team conversations. Actually, JSJ is quite smart, but that rarely comes out when he is with other teams. In episode 53, JSJ had also contributed a lot to his team getting the order of ingredients right in the meal segment though the captions gave credit only to the Commander and the Ace.

JH keeping chicken breast in her fridge is so unexpected. I had wondered whether there would be anything in there that could give us clues and had thought there wouldn't be anything that obvious or that she would remove it if it could be misinterpreted. Though I know many male celebrities consume chicken br
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
我注意到的另一件事︰ JK 呼吁 SJ 愚蠢搞唱歌,他们的机会,并一直犹豫不决,听他在下一轮,但当 JH 说"让我们听听他这一次",他并没有说什么,她的直觉原来是正确。她是少数人的判断,他相信即使当她有相反的看法之一。我们已经看到如何容易 JH 去除浮标从极点她守着曾经与她的生活时 JK 问到,她毫不怀疑他的意图,救护队插曲一秒钟。我觉得 SA 有相互信任的就是寻常的东西。One of the comments which made me really happy on insta was regarding how many felt the old JH had come back. For some years now, JH has been a shadow of her early RM self. She always tries her best in difficult missions (like the second Zombies episode) or in episodes centred around her and female guests (like the Queen Race recently), but for her to become her old variety self in two episodes back to back (since this episode was shot earlier than the SISTAR one) is quite a sight. That it happened twice when she was on KJK's team is perhaps not a coincidence. Myuk PD's return to the helm of things has definitely re-vitalised JH since perhaps she feels she finally got the PD back who could position her properly or give her the attention she deserved. However, one has to be blind if one doesn't notice how happy JH was during this entire episode and it definitely wasn't because she got to be on the same team as JSJ. Every time they won, JH couldn't wait to hold JK's hands or celebrate with him and how happy and carefree she was became most evident that time JS teases her about lying about not loving again and she, with a smile, turns around and wags her finger at him as she continues to sing nonchalantly (that is the early RM JH we know). I was just going through some screencaps of the Q&A and Jeju island episodes today and in that episode JH looked so uncomfortable especially when she is walking behind Gary for boarding the flight to Jeju and in the car with Gary in the Q&A episode where she is mostly checking her phone or looking out of the window. I had always wondered then whether JH becoming so silent was partly because she was being put in teams where she wasn't comfortable and used to wonder if being on JK's team would make a difference to her variety self. This episode kind of proves it does (especially coz Monday Couple loveline is no longer the burden it used to be). I guess this is the shipper in me speaking, but what I have observed with JK and JH is that while they may (or may not be) dating, they are among the closest RM members. They have similar temperament, the same things amuse them and they take so much joy out of planning something and winning at it. The very fact that they spend so much time outside of RM (tanning together, eating together and perhaps even gymming together) is an indication that they like each other's company and actively seek it. So when JK and JH find themselves on the same team, they get that extra pleasure out of it like that one gets when one gets to sit with one's BFF in class. I do hope we get more team combinations in the future with SA together, may be not always as a couple or as part of a trio, but at least like in the Baywatch-themed episode. I also realise why so many SA moments come up when JSJ is part of SA team. If it was KS or Haha or YJS with them, they would have to interact more with the third person of the team. For instance, if it was KS, then JK and KS have that tight bond (same with JH and KS), so while SA may still interact with each other, they have such close friendship with KS that their one-on-one interactions with KS would perhaps limit the one-on-one interactions they have with each other. But with Wangko hyung, while they give him the respect of an older man, they do consider him as a generation apart and so tend to stick together more so as to create more SA moments in the process. Wangko hyung also leaves them alone (kind of treats them as a couple) and doesn't try to interfere. He also doesn't tease them much which you can't expect from JS or KS. So, no wonder they act more couply when they are teamed up with him. But this time, their team combination as also really good and they included him more than they usually do in their team conversations. Actually, JSJ is quite smart, but that rarely comes out when he is with other teams. In episode 53, JSJ had also contributed a lot to his team getting the order of ingredients right in the meal segment though the captions gave credit only to the Commander and the Ace.意外的是,JH 保持鸡胸肉她的冰箱里。我一直在想是否有任何东西在那里,可以给我们提供线索,以为应该不会有任何明显或她会删除它,如果它可能会被误解。虽然我知道很多男性名人消费鸡肉 br
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
另一件我注意到:JK称SJ愚蠢搞乱他们的机会在唱歌曲的权利,并在他们的下一轮听他犹豫不决,但当JH说:“让我们听这段时间”他,他什么都不说,她的直觉是正确的。她是为数不多的人之一,即使她有一个相反的意见,他也相信他相信她。我们已经看到如何容易从她JH一直守护着她的生活的时候,JK问她极移除浮标,没有怀疑他的意图,在他们的第二集。我认为那种信任是有在彼此是显着的东西。其中一个让我真的开心不评论是关于多少觉得老JH回来了。一些年来,JH一直有阴影她早期的RM自。她总是尽力在困难的任务(如第二僵尸插曲)或情节围绕她和女嘉宾(像女王一样的比赛,但她最近)成为两集回到她的老品种的自我(因为这一集拍摄比SISTAR早)是相当的壮观。它发生了两次当她在哥队也许不是巧合。myuk PD回到事物的掌舵人已经重新vitalised JH因为也许她觉得她终于有了PD回来谁能位置好她或给她应得的关注。然而,一个人必须盲如果不注意快乐的JH是这整个事件的过程中肯定不是因为她要对团队为JSJ相同。他们每次都赢了,JH迫不及待把JK的手和他庆祝,多么快乐无忧的她成为最明显的时间JS挑逗她撒谎不再爱她,一个微笑,转身摇着手指在他为她继续唱漫不经心地(即早期的RM JH我们知道)。我只是想通过问答和济州岛事件的一些应用,集今天和JH看尤其如此不舒服的时候,她走在后面的加里登上飞往济州的航班,在车上与加里的问答集,她主要是检查她的手机或看着窗外。我一直想,那么是否JH变得沉默也许是因为她被放在球队里她不舒服,想知道如果在JK的团队会给她各种自我有所作为。这一集种证明它(特别是因为星期一情侣感情线不再是过去的负担)。我想这是我讲的人,但是我跟JK和JH的观察,虽然他们可能(或不可能)约会,他们最近的RM成员之间。他们有着相似的气质,同样的事情也会让他们开心,他们会从计划中获得如此多的乐趣并赢得胜利。他们花了这么多时间在RM的事实(鞣在一起,一起吃饭,甚至一起健身)是一个迹象表明,他们喜欢彼此的陪伴和积极寻求它。所以当JK和JH发现自己在同一个团队,他们获得额外的乐趣,得到当一个人坐在一班的好朋友。我希望我们有更多的团队组合在未来与SA在一起,不可能总是作为一对夫妇或一组的一部分,但至少像在挑战主题的一集。我也明白为什么那么多的SA的时刻来当JSJ是SA团队的一部分。如果是KS哈哈或时间与他们,他们会有更多的球队的第三人互动。例如,如果是KS,然后JK和KS有紧密的联系(与JH和KS一样,所以当SA可能仍然)相互作用,他们有这样亲密的友谊与KS,KS的一对相互作用可能会限制他们的一对一的相互作用。但wangko哥,而他们给了他一个老年人的尊重,他们认为他是一代分开,所以容易粘在一起更以创造过程更SA的时刻。wangko哥也离开他们独自(一种把他们作为一对夫妇)和不干涉。他也不逗他们,你不能指望从JS或KS。所以,难怪他们的行为更偶联时,和他合作。但这一次,他们的团队组合,也非常好,他们包括他比他们通常在他们的团队对话。其实,JSJ很聪明,但很少出来时,他与其他球队。在53集,JSJ也做出了很大贡献,他的团队获得订单配料餐段权虽然字幕给信用证只给指挥官和ACE。JH保持鸡胸肉在她的冰箱很意外。我不知道是否会有在那里,可以给我们提供线索,什么,以为不会有任何明显的或她是否会误解删除它。虽然我知道许多男性名人都会吃鸡肉
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