When plants were considered, MLR models indeed improved the
assessment of Cr and Ni accumulation, and highlighted that soil factors
such as pH, carbonates or total content of exchangeable cations may
play a significant role in the phyto availability of TE. However for the
other TE studied (As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) the MLR did not give better
correlation coefficients than simpler models using only “available” soil
contents as explanatory variable. At the opposite for snails, considering
the soil parameters and/or plant contents in the regression models
improved the assessment of all TE, but As and Cu. As a rule, TE contents
in snail viscera were mostly correlated to plant contents, except for Cu.
This is in agreement with the results of Scheifler et al. (2006) who
showed that up to 90% of Cd accumulated by snails came from plants.
Internal TE contents in snails were also correlated to total contents
in soil (As, Cd, Cr) and/or to organic carbon (Cd), pH (Cr, Pb) and
carbonates (Cr).
When plants were considered, MLR models indeed improved the
assessment of Cr and Ni accumulation, and highlighted that soil factors
such as pH, carbonates or total content of exchangeable cations may
play a significant role in the phyto availability of TE. However for the
other TE studied (As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) the MLR did not give better
correlation coefficients than simpler models using only “available” soil
contents as explanatory variable. At the opposite for snails, considering
the soil parameters and/or plant contents in the regression models
improved the assessment of all TE, but As and Cu. As a rule, TE contents
in snail viscera were mostly correlated to plant contents, except for Cu.
This is in agreement with the results of Scheifler et al. (2006) who
showed that up to 90% of Cd accumulated by snails came from plants.
Internal TE contents in snails were also correlated to total contents
in soil (As, Cd, Cr) and/or to organic carbon (Cd), pH (Cr, Pb) and
carbonates (Cr).