Elizabeth Walker • There are some great organizations out there that like to put out quality info about herbal medicine.
American Herbalists Guild (AHG), American Botanical Council (ABC), Natural Standard, Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (VBMA), National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH)... I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
Books that cover a lot of the science include anything written by Kerry Bone. Other good books would be Medical Herbalism by David Hoffmann and Veterinary Herbal Medicine by Susan G. Wynn and Barbara Fougere.
Other books to consider are those that, while they may not be purely "scientific" they are written by experienced, well qualified herbalists that don't just study herbs in labs, from books, or journals, but use them all the time with their clients. Not everything that we know about herbs is written in scientific journals - clinical experience and observation should count for something. Check out books by Matthew Wood, Susan Weed, and others (most of whom are AHG professional members anyway).