The data shown in Table 2 will give a clearer impression of the demographic of the respondents,including data on gender, age, race, level of education, and monthly income. A total of 64% ofthe male respondents, versus 36% of females, believe that men have potential for entrepreneur-ship activities in the rural community. According to Haji Idris (2008), the majority of ruralwomen in Malaysia are fearful of the risks involved in being entrepreneurs. From the perspectiveof history, we know better, Malaysian women have been involved in the creation of business fora long time, only in a lower portion compared to men. In addition, there are clear racial differ-ences with local Malay having more potential entrepreneurs (97%) than any other racial groups.The respondents were sorted into three age categories. Those in the middle-youth stage (20 – 30)formed the majority, 40.5%.