- Wake up and breakfast
- Tidy up and wash cups, water bottle, towel case, steam the milk bottles
- Laundry (handwash baby clothes, don't mixed with adult clothes)
- Baby wake up, wash face, brush teeth with boiled water
- Feed baby milk and prepare breakfast, refreshment and cup for school
- Dress Uniform according to schedule, final check school bag
Sports VS Standard
- Ready go out for school
- Return home from market
- Check & collect dry clothes, hang out washed clothes
- Daily Cleaning (Bathroom, vacuum clean & sweep floor)
- Other household chores, please refer to the checklist
- Prepare lunch for baby and keep warm
- Go out and bring baby home
- Serve lunch for baby
- Baby Midday Nap
=> Read & play with baby after wake up
*Please DO NOT turn on the TV before 3pm during weekdays
- Prepare tea break/refreshment for baby
- Take bath for Baby => cream whole body after bath
- Prepare dinner and serve for Baby
- Wake luhur jeung sasarap
- beberes luhur jeung ngumbah gelas, botol cai, kasus anduk, uap nu botol susu
- laundry (baju orok handwash, teu dicampurkeun jeung baju sawawa)
- Baby hudang nepi, ngumbah beungeut, sikat huntu jeung cai pindang
- susu Feed orok jeung nyiapkeun sarapan, refreshment jeung cup keur sakola
- Kalong seragam nurutkeun jadwal, bag sakola cek final
Olahraga bobodoran Standar
- Siap indit kaluar pikeun sakola
- balik deui ka imah ti pasar
- Pariksa & ngumpulkeun baju garing, nongkrong baju dikumbah
- poean beberesih (Mandi, vacuum bersih & nyapu lanté)
- chores rumah tangga lianna, mangga tingal Daptar pariksa nu
- Nyiapkeun dahar beurang pikeun orok jeung jaga haneut
- Pindah kaluar jeung mawa imah orok
- Ngawula ka dahar beurang keur orok
- baby lohor sare waktu beurang
=> Read & muter jeung orok sanggeus hudang nepi
* Mangga teu ngahurungkeun TV saméméh 3pm salila weekdays
- Nyiapkeun tea break / refreshment keur orok
- Candak mandi pikeun baby => cream sakabeh awak sanggeus mandi
- Nyiapkeun dinner jeung ngawula pikeun baby