New Zintro User, Get the best Projects, Jobs and Inquiries
The Zintro algorithm will match any submitted Project, Job or Inquiry with the most relevant Experts on the platform. Click here to learn about "best practices" for optimizing your profile and generating more relevant and qualified leads using Zintro.
There are two different models that have been employed successfully by Zintro Experts:
Respond to as many Inquiries as possible - "the game of numbers"
Respond only to Inquiries that are very relevant - "time efficiency"
Both approaches can work - pick the one that works for you.
Some considerations when responding to an Inquiry:
Is the Client a “tire-kicker” looking to see what kind of responses he/she will get or is he/she serious about talking with Experts?
Does the Client have a budget for either a phone consult or follow-on project?
Am I a really good fit for this particular Inquiry?
Am I willing to give a free phone call to the Client?
How many Experts is this Client interested in talking with?
You get the idea...
Suggestion 1: Offer an initial free call
Only If it seems like there is a bigger opportunity behind the initial call or if the Client is someone who you really want to develop a relationship with.
Suggestion 2: Include your credentials
Explain clearly and concisely why you are the best candidate for the Project, Job or Inquiry. Even though the Client can see them in your profile, it helps to make a good impression fast.
Suggestion 3: Ask questions
The first Znote you send is the perfect opportunity to clarify any questions you might have about the Project, Job or Inquiry. Nothing demonstrates more interest than a good question.
Our Social Media efforts include the publication of Expert written Business News on a daily basis. This is a great oportunity for you to become a part of the Zintro Community. Don't miss the opportunity to promote your Expert profile through highly relevant content contributions.