Obviously, the achieved values vary depending on the particularchocolate sample. Applying DPV and SWV procedure, the determinedmass percentage of TB ranged from 0.75 to 2.24% and from 0.69 to2.15%, respectively, while these values are in good agreement withdata from scientific literature. Illustratively,Fig. 7shows an ex-ample of DP voltammograms of the analysis of chocolate product FinCarre with the declared 50% (m/m) content of cocoa beans sampleusing the multiple standard addition method (graphical evaluationappears in the inset). As depicted inFig. 7, the voltammetric profile ofTB after spiking standard indicates that the apparent peak occurring at+1.15 V can be assigned to the oxidation of this alkaloid on the min-iaturized BDDE. In addition, the very small“hump”at the potential of+0.6 V could likely to be attributed to the presence of other compo-nents (probably some phenolic compounds) in chocolate sample.However, they are present at very low concentration levels affecting