Make the World a Better Place" is a former featured article candidate. The list for Featured Article Candidates is periodically reviewed, and articles that have been nominated for some time, but not chosen, are removed. This article was probably not featured for one or more of the following reasons:
Step-by-step images may be necessary to clarify and illustrate the instructions. If so, please feel free to take pictures for this article and re-nominate for featuring.
Content may not meet guidelines set forth in the Writer's Guide (formatting, accuracy, etc.) Steps should be action-oriented instructions, spelling and grammar errors should be corrected, information should be fact-checked, references added, and so on.
Discussion shows no support for featuring, or comments point to ways in which this article can still be improved.
Article may not yet meet the FA standard of being better than any other single page on that topic on the Internet.
Topic may be too specific or controversial to apply to a broad audience. Some topics just aren't good for featuring, no matter how well the article is written.
If this article is modified with regard to these criteria, anyone is welcome to nominate this article for featuring again. Following the instructions for writing a featured article on wikiHow will significantly improve its chances of being chosen for featuring.