B. Angels announce and forewarn (fulfilling their role as “messengers”)
1. Announcements
a. Conception and birth of Isaac (Gen. 18:9)
b. Birth of Samson (Judes 13:2-24)
c. Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:13)
d. Birth of Jesus Christ -- to Mary and to the Shepherds (Luke 1:30; 2:9)
2. Forewarnings
a. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18--19)
b. Threat of Herod to the infant Messiah (Matt. 2:13)
- it’s important for us to remember here what Hebrews 1:14 says, angels are “spirits” – which implies that they do not have material bodies
- however, they may appear in VISIBLE FORM when God chooses to let them
- and whenever Scripture describes any such angelic appearance, the angel ALWAYS appears as a man
> Masculine pronouns are invariable used to refer to them!