From a review of literature related to mathematical thinking, it shows that the perception of the learner. It has an effect on mathematical thinking in accordance with Schoenfeld (1992), mathematics is an activity that occurs on the head of the learner by using a representation. A symbol of management on the abstract symbols described as a tool of mathematics, this view mathematical thinking consists of the value of the process, which makes it a mathematical and abstract, described by learners with an elastic thinking to the corners. Look in dealing with new incident situations. Later Schoenfeld (1985) presented a resolution view. Mathematics for understanding and mathematical teaching should be a way of solving the problem and recognizing the knowledge or skills as necessary in the success of mathematics, consisting of 4:1), the knowledge resources of knowledge and mathematical skills, to allow learners to lead to solutions. 2) What helps to solve the problem (heuristics) is tactical and technically to be used in Solution 3) control, so that learners have an effort in the solution process that leads to the effectiveness of solution 4). The mathematical belief (beliefs) of the learner trying to solve the problem. Whether it is successful or unsuccessful, later McLeod (1992) has expanded this view with the focus on impact effect. To the mathematical troubleshooting process.