or 0.8ms (digital) per neuron (Zaghloul, Meador and Newcomb, 1994). Two neural devices havebeensuggested(SimoesandBose,1995)forinductionmotorcontrol.MicroDevicesMD1220, a digital VLSI device,takes 0.8ms to process anysynapticinput (or bias) whenthe clock rate is 20MHz. Intel 80170NX (Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network), on the other hand, is an analog device which takes only 3ms to process through each layer. This chapter presents an ANN algorithm with7 layers and 58 neurons to replace the DSP serial calculations of the classical DSC system. Because the 58 neurons take only 46.4ms (using the digital MD1220) or 21ms (using the analog 80170NX), the control precision of DSC can be significantly improved using the neural-network algorithm.