Threatens fragile natural resources (beach, reefs, rare animal habitats, wetlands, rain forests)
Overuse of raw materials/resources
Degradation of land (fossil fuels, wood for fueld, increased construction, deforestation)
Increase risk of wildfire
Increases in solid waste/litter and sewage load (i.e. cruise shop dumping) and runoff
Changes to salinity and siltation of water
Lack of garbage collection in remote areas (i.e. the toilet paper trail, the coca-cola trail)
Creates air pollution via exhaust and causes contributing to acid rain and climate change
Photochemical pollution (smog)
Noise pollution (stressful to humans and wildlife behavior patterns affected)
Dependent on and over-uses fresh water supply causing water shortages and degradation of water tables/supply (golf courses, tourists consume lots of water)
Beach nourishment/marina & breakwater development changes coastlines
Trampling causes loss of biodiversity on trails
Anchoring causes direct degradation of marine biodiversity
Wildlife Viewing causes stress to animals
Contributes to urban sprawl
Introduction of non-native specifies and domestic animal overrun
Greenwashing (fake concern for the environment)