Structural features present in the Banjarmasin Sheet are anticlines, synclines, thrusts,
transerverse and normal faults. The fold axes generally trending northeast-southwest
and commonly are parallel with normal fault direction.
Tectonic activity in this area took place since the Jurassic, mixing together the
ultramaphics and metamorphics. During the Early Cretaceous or before, magmatic
activity took place which brought intrusion of granitic and diorite into the ultramaphics
and metamorphics. During the late Early Cretaceous the Alino Group was formed. This
group is partly an olistostrome and partly made up of volcanics of the Pitanak Group.
In early late Cretaceous time tectonic activity took place which resulted in the thrusting
of the metamorphic and ultramaphic rocks over the Alino group. Tectonic activity
happended again in the Paleoene which caused up1 zfl of the Mesozoic rocks, accompanied
by the intrusion ofandesiteporphyty. During the Early Eocene, the Tanjung Formation
was deposited, in a paralic environment. In Oligocene time, the Berai Formation
developed under a transgressional condition and the followed by deposition in Miocene
time of the Warukin Formation under regressional circumstances.
The last tectonic event took place during the Late Miocene as a result the Mesozoic
rocks were uplifted to the surface to form the Meratus High, whereby the tertiary and
pre-tertiary rock formation were intensively folded. Along with that thrust and transverse
fault came into being and followed by normal faulting, the last stage of geological
history of this region was the deposition of the Dahor Formation in Pliocene.