Dear colleagues,
Hopefully you’re still keeping the energy we all injected in during SH Quality Summit!
Following leadership instruction, I will be the project leader with regard to MQA-A evolution project, however, I am expecting you can be the onsite project leader in your respective resident factory. According to the timeline, we need to complete below tasks before 1/31/2015.
Define factory MQA-A organization
a. Work with factory leadership to define a MQAA team who responsible for MQA auditing. We’re not expecting factory has to build up a standalone team for MQAA, but at least they should build in this function into a team with tangible responsibility.
b. Minimum 3 certified auditors per factory who will be covering all 6 items. Factory needs to nominate “enough” candidates for coming certification program by considering the real demands, the lines, job coverage, people capability, etc.
Create SOP/SWS for MQA audit items.
c. SWS/SOP should be ready for all audit work stations/process. The SWS/SOP has to be clearly define the takt time, work sequence, standard WIP with a combination of Job Breakdown Sheet on which covering the important steps, key points in terms of safety/quality/technique/cost, and the reasons for key points. This is the effort to build up the “standard” for every single operation. The SOP/SWS should be burnt into the mind of the related operators.
d. Please consult with CTS LIM, Vi or Christine for the SWS/JBS creation, as well as NOS core program graduates in your factory. I would like to bring this item in because I believe that this is the beginning of KAIZEN. No standardization, no KAIZEN.
Moreover, regarding the auditor certification program. As per the plan, we have 3.5 months starting from January to complete the certification for all factories by CTS POD team. According to previous consensus, I would ask Wendy/Oliver to support this critical program. Please develop a sub plan to complete the program, and synchronize me the status, drag me in if you need any support from MO team.
With the effort of us, I believe we can make something happen in quality positively. Feel free to let me know your questions and suggestions. I am more than happy to t
親愛的同事 們,
希望你仍然維持我們所有的精力投入SH質量首腦會議期間 在!
以下領導指示,我將該項目領導人關於mqa演變為一個項目,但是,我希望你可以在您的現場項目領導人各自駐地廠。 根據時間表,我們必須完成以下任務1/31/2015年 之前.
a。 與工廠工作領導小組,確定一個mqaa誰負責mqa審計。 我們並不指望廠已建立一個獨立小組mqaa,但至少也應建立在這個功能為一個小組的具體 責任.
B 。 最低限度每廠核証審計員3人將涵蓋所有6項。廠需要提名“足夠”的候選人來核証方案,考慮的實際需求,該線、工作范圍,人民能力,等等。
創造燮/工場為mqa審計 項目.
C 。 工場/燮應准備對所有審計工作監測站/進程。 該工場/燮都必須有明確界定的運行時間序列,工作,