请在这里输入要翻译的内容Thank you for contacting the Graduations Office. Currently the Graduations Office is experiencing a large volume of email.
If you are querying regarding the upcoming ceremonies, please refer below. We will reply to your email if you are querying on other matters not listed on the frequently asked questions below.
Need more tickets for upcoming ceremonies?
· Limited extra tickets will be available during ticket and regalia collection times from the Graduations Office.
· No reservations will be taken before this time.
· Tickets are subject to availability and non-refundable.
Can’t come in to collect your tickets and regalia at your allocated time?
You can ask a proxy to come in and collect on your behalf. All you need to do is complete and sign the Disclosure of Information and Proxy Authorisation Form . Your proxy must bring this authorisation form with them and also their photo ID to collect.
If you are coming from overseas / interstate and would like to collect your ticket and regalia on the day of the ceremony (1.5 hours prior to ceremony start time) in the Perth Exhibition and Exhibition Centre; please advise the Graduations Office and Phillips and Father. You MUST advise us of this request in advance.
Do you require priority seating?
Please approach one of our ushers on the day of the graduation ceremony.
Late registration to attend the ceremony?
No late registration for September ceremonies, Singapore or Hong Kong are accepted at this point of time.
I want my award mailed to my preferred mailing address but forgot to register?
If you would like your certificate mailed or want to collect from Curtin Bentley - please send us a confirmation email stating your name, student number and how you would like to receive your award.
When can I receive my award certificate?
Award certificate will be ready for collection (during office hours) / to be mailed after 31 October 2012.
Need award verification?
For Curtin awards granted post-1992, the Curtin Online Award Verification Service is available via the Graduations website graduations.curtin.edu.au/verification.
For Curtin awards granted pre-1992 only, please submit an online request by clicking on the online web request button at graduations.curtin.edu.au/verification. Please note that priority will be given to companies who contact us via the web request link.
Thank you
Graduations Office