2020 is around the corner. so the topic of my presentation is marketing trends in 2020and the first one is ccustomer experience 2020 will be the year of the customer. It’s no longer about trying to convince people to buy from or work with your company. Instead, the priority has moved towards providing fantastic customer experiences that will keep people coming back for more.The growth of online content has given consumers more power. They are no longer a passive party when it comes to learning about products. They’re not waiting for you to tell how great your products are. Instead, they’re going out and doing their own research.So you have to offer them something more than information.What exactly makes a great CX? Efficiency, convenience, knowledgeable and friendly service, and easy payment options are what people value most in their customer experience. In other words, you need to consider CX in every aspect of your marketing strategy. This is how you can provide a great experience in order to keep your customers and attract new ones.VisualizationWhile advancements in voice search are certainly influencing the way that we’ll create content now and in the future, you shouldn’t neglect visual content either.Research has shown that people prefer visual content to plain text. You just have to look at the growth of image-focused platforms Pinterest and Instagram to see the proof of this.Visuals are also easier to remember than written content. Adding data visualizations, infographics, images, and videos to your text not only makes it more interesting and attractive, but it can help your message to be absorbed better too.PersonalizationToday’s consumers are flooded with marketing messages from multiple channels . Traditional advertising is losing its effectiveness, so what’s the answer? Personalized marketing messages that forge a real connection between the brand and the target market.80% of consumers said that they’d be more likely to do business with a brand that provides a personalized experienceImprovements in technology such as AI combined with increased data collection and insights from social media and other sources have made it easy to hyper-personalize everything .Focus on Customer Retention, Loyalty and AdvocacyA huge part of providing a great customer experience is making sure that CX is ongoing and focused on keeping your existing customers, rather than just attracting new ones.Recurring customers are more valuable than new customers. Studies have found that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep a new oneLoyal customers also help to increase the reputation and awareness of your brand as they’ll talk about your company and products with their friends and family. Live VideoThe live video industry is expected to be worth over $70 billion by 2021. Live video is incredibly popular with consumers, and people spend three times longer watching live video than they do watching pre-recorded video.Video is also the most popular way for consumers to learn about new products.When the live element is added, this makes video more engaging as the audience feels they’re a part of it and can influence the content, rather than just passively watching.