I need a break,” Clara said after a moment, still trying to catch her breath.
“I thought we could go for another round,” the Doctor chuckled.
“What?!” she turned around to look at him lying next to her and immediately realized that he was joking. She gave him a soft punch which made him laugh only more before he turned around and wrapped his arms around her. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“You were right though,” she said a short while later, “About what you said to me the other night. This was good.”
Suddenly the Doctor lifted his head to look at her and seemed slightly hurt. “Good?”
When she looked at him Clara couldn't help but arch her eyebrows up. “Doctor,” she began carefully, “You didn't happen to put some extra effort in it just because of what I told you about my previous experience?”
When he didn't reply Clara knew that she was right and she laughed softly while leaning back against his chest.
“Well, consider your point taken. And now sleep.”
After another short kiss the Doctor rolled on his side and Clara closed her eyes, happy and utterly exhausted, and soon began to drift off.
When she woke up the following morning the bed next to her was empty and for a brief moment Clara got scared. They hadn't actually talked about anything at all, about what it meant for both of them. But then Clara remembered that he had spoken about “some other time” which should mean that he was planning on doing it again. With that little piece of information reassuring her Clara reached for her bathrobe and headed towards the bathroom.