At this point, you should be able to continue with her.In the morning, talk to her while having breakfast, and go to the market.When she is on the chair, you choose to look at her ass.Now you need to find an emergency kit. You can find it in Emma's room, in the bathroom.The next day, enter her room and talk to her.Do it again the following day.The next day, try to go back to her room.Go to the pool.After a long scene, you will wake up in your room.During the day, go to Steve's room.Now you can also find her in your gym, in the morning.Talk to her.Talk to her when she's poolside, in the evening. You will be interrupted by Emma.Click the white door in the pool (Not at night)If you have $ 75,000, build the sauna.Now you can also find her in the sauna, in the morning. (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.)Talk to her and give her a massage.Return to the sauna once again, and talk to her.Enjoy the scene.Talk to her when she's poolside, in the evening. Once again, you will be interrupted by Emma.After you have expanded the villa, go to the sauna in the morning.You should find her and mom here.Talk to them and enjoy the scene.Now talk to them when they are in the pool.Eat aunt.