Optimal Ratios of Fish Meat to Surimi and of Pork Fat to Fish Meat and Surimi in Preparation of Sausage
Six samples were made by mixing fish meat and surimi at ratios (weight of fish meat to weight of surimi) of 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80, 0:100. Each sample was thoroughly mixed in silent cutter (VEDEL- CUTTEX M11) to give acceptable characters with the other ingredients recommended by the Fishery Products Development Division [4], stuffed in
2.5 cm diameter cellophane casing, boiled at 80○C for 20 minutes and left until cool.
The samples were evaluated for sensory scores using a 9 point hedonic scale with score 1 for most unacceptable and 9 for most acceptable [5]. The sensory scores were given by 10712 judges who were instructors, students and staff of the Department of Fishery Products, Kasetsart University. The scores were statistically analyzed using Banana Stat Pack Version 3.0,
and Duncan’s new multiple range test was employed for comparison among sample means [6].
The composition of the sausage sample with highest sensory scores was adjusted to give better preference characters by mixing fish meat and surimi with the other ingredients (unit in gram), as follows: