Anna Olsson 发起了一个讨论: Placebo
"Hi everyone! As a practitioner in conventional healthcare there is a lot of discussions regarding "evidence" for the treatments and as many of you may know most well "better done" studies show that Sham acupuncture (with non penetranting needles) is no better then ordinary acupuncture... And as far as I know there is not any study proving otherwise ..? I wanted to lift this question here and hear what you think about this? I am thought in the western medical acupuncture where the penetration has a neuro- physiological explicated effect ...but if the sham needles are just as effective is it all due to inherent processes in the patients that we maybe "start" with the expectation in the treatment ? I mean studies also show that there is changes in the descending pain controlling areas and limbic system of the brain with acupuncture.. Curious ... : how do you all reason about this ? Kindest regrads, //Anna"