Dear Igor,
Hope you're doing well.
Did you get my past emails concerning cooperation intention pls ? I'd like to let you know more about our PCR factory .
•adopt Hankook technology, excellent wet grip and fuel efficiency, more stable and longer mileage, anti-wear resistance
•purchase aw material from famous supplier
•first line annual capacity 10 million ,the second plan 15 million
•main first-class equipments totally more than 1200 sets ,
like Cruber Mixer from Germany, Rodolf Caendering Machine from Italy, RTS Spindle System &MTS TyreForce and Torque Testing Machinefrom America, VMI Building Machine from Holland and so on .
•experimental center covers a area of 1280 square meters, very professional and experienced technicist
Concerning TBRs, we also have good range and welcome inquiry .
Maybe our tires can't compete with world top brands , but the quality is good with affordable cost , safe tyre with excellent performance, can satisfy most demands.
And as responsible enterprise, we have warranty to ensure consumer benefit .
Hope to hearing from you ,thanks.
Hurmatli Igor, siz yaxshi-ku umid qilamiz. Agar hamkorlik niyati pls haqida mening o'tgan elektron pochta qabul qildingizmi? Men siz bizning PCR zavod haqida qo'shimcha xabar olmoqchiman. • Hankook texnologiyasi, mukammal ho'l, tushunish va yonilg'i samaradorligini, yanada barqaror va uzoq kilometr qabul qarshilik anti-kiyish mashhur etkazib beruvchilardan • sotib aw moddiy birinchi chiziq yiliga • 10 million , ikkinchi reja 15 million asosiy birinchi sinf uskunalari • to'liq ko'proq 1200 dan ortiq silsilasini, Germaniya Cruber Mikser, Rodolf Caendering Mashina Italiya, RTS mil tizimi & MTS TyreForce va moment test Machinefrom Amerika, shunga VMI Building Gollandiyaning Mashina va shunga o'xshash. • eksperimental markaz juda professional va technicist tajribali 1280 kvadrat metr, bir maydon qoplaydi TBRs haqida, biz ham yaxshi qator va xush kelibsiz tergov. ega Balki bizning shinalar dunyo uch brendlar bilan raqobatlasha olmaydi, lekin sifat xavfsiz, arzon narxlardagi yaxshi mukammal ishlash buzilib qolgan, eng talablarini. qondirish mumkin . Biz iste'mol foyda ta'minlash uchun kafolat bor, Va mas'ul korxona tufayli, sizdan eshitib uchun umid.