Michael, .... did you know?
Miss a person's taste is like a cup of ice-cold water...
Then, must be with a very long time, long time... many hearts flow into tears...
Did you know that?To forget a person's taste is like to enjoy a kind of cruel beauty...
And then, must be with a very small little voice told myself to be strong in the face...
Missing you not because of my loneliness, but is because misses you only then to be lonely... Feeling so lonely and loneliness is so heavy of the reason, just because misses too deeply...
Michael, there's a hole in my heart, what can I do?
Countless nights I spent in tears... it's so hard out here...this world without you...
Michael, sometimes I think that...for me, love is a kind of cruel...time is a devil...
Michael, you're gone has been killing me, and now Bowie also left... when he leave, I know my entire world has fallen apart...Because the all my love has gone away...
22nd, don't know if it's because told you that I want to leave here our garden... so you came? what you've done to me said I totally understand, just at this time, I'm so sorry I really can't take it, I still have to decide to leave all, you should know how much my heart is hurt and heartbreak...
How do I mend a broken heart? and how do I find hope in a brand new day? I really really need some time...now for this terrible affliction there is no cure ...please forgive me for the time being to leave...