Order number : 295882-20150805-094764104
Date and time : 2015-08-05 00:57:18 (Japan time)
Name : Yuehmei Liu
4F., No.47, Aly. 33, Ln. 335, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235,Taiwan Zhonghe Dist New Taipei City 235 Taiwan
(TEL) 886952227279
Payment method : Credit card One time payment
Point usage : None
Shipping method : Domestic shipping
Int'l shipping method detail:JP Post EMS
Estimated shipping fee:4000 JPY
Shop name: Natural Healthy Standard
Shipping address: Yuehmei Liu
4F., No.47, Aly. 33, Ln. 335, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235,Taiwan Zhonghe Dist New Taipei City 235 Taiwan
(TEL) 886952227279
-----Original Message-----
From: 9691d25a3ef0b21999a88dcb81980f4325861cbb@mf.rakuten.ne.jp
[mailto:9691d25a3ef0b21999a88dcb81980f4325861cbb@mf.rakuten.ne.jp] On Behalf Of Cafe de Donguri
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 5:28 PM
To: peitanvenus@gmail.com
Cc: donguri@shop.rakuten.co.jp
Subject: [From Rakuten Ichiba shop]Shipment fee confirmation notice Cafe de Donguri
This mail is an important mail about your order.
Please keep this for your records and future reference.
Dear chen, yihsien
Thank you very much for choosing Cafe de Donguri online shop.
Please refer to the information below regarding your order.
Below is the product you ordered. Please check if the order is correct.
This information was written with Japan in mind. So show Tax.
We will change Tax to Tax-free, after fixed the delivery cost.
The delivery cost is determined by the weight of the ordered product and included in the items bill. We will let you know the total amount as soon as the shipping fee has been determined.
For shipping outside of Japan, we can not accept the cancellation, the return of goods after shipping, please confirm the content of the order.
In addition, even if You have to reply to the automatic delivery of mail from Rakuten, You can not cancel and change, please note.
In addition, normal shipping after the goods without having to arrive at hand, that we do not take responsibility in our store, please check the address.
[Order Number]198708-20150525-0630479213 [Purchase Date]05-25-2015 17:10:24 [Customer] chen, yihsien [Payment Method] Credit card One time payment [Coupon] - [Method of Point Use] All [Delivery Method] Domestic shipping service [Remarks]
Int'l shipping method detail:JP Post EMS Estimated Shipping Fee: Not estimated yet
[Delivery Address] 陳, 宜嫺
414 台中市烏日區三榮路一段375號3樓之1 台中市 Taichung City Taiwan
(TEL) 0922359678
My Neighbor Totoro water garden Nekobus assorted tidbits
Price 6500(JPY) x 1(#) = 6500(JPY) (Tax excl., Delivery Fee excl.)
My Neighbor Tototro Cat bus rail puzzle Matsugo set
Price 7800(JPY) x 1(#) = 7800(JPY) (Tax excl., Delivery Fee excl.)
My Neighbor Totoro Forest Ferris wheel car
Price 8500(JPY) x 1(#) = 8500(JPY) (Tax excl., Delivery Fee excl.)
Delivery Address 1(#)
Total Items 3(#)
Total Items Price 22800(JPY)
Subtotal 22800(JPY)
Tax 1824(JPY)
Delivery Fee (JPY)
Point -1066(JPY)
Total -(JPY)
For overseas delivery, we use EMS.
Customs duty and other taxes may be levied when the shipment reaches your country. If applicable, please pay those costs directly to the delivery agents or the customs office. Policies on those taxes vary in each country.
Please contact the customs office at your country for more details.
Thank you very much for shopping at our online store!
Sincerely yours,
Cafe de Donguri
3-1-12 Magarikawa Kashihara-shi Nara Japan (URL)( http://www.rakuten.co.jp) Hiromi Nishiyama E-mail ( donguri@shop.rakuten.co.jp )
business hours AM10:00~PM4:00
Holiday Saturday,Sunday,and a public holiday
日期和時間:2015-08-05 00:57:18(日本 時間)
名稱 :月劉
4f同上,第47、ALY。 33、ln. 335,遠通路,zhonghe直銷商,新上任的台北市235、台灣zhonghe區新上任的台北市235台灣
(電話) 886952227279
付款 方法:信用卡一次性付款
運輸方法:國內 航運
Int 'l運輸方法詳細說明:JP郵政EMS
商店名稱:自然健康 標准
航運 地址:月劉
4f同上,第47、ALY。 33、ln. 335,遠通路,zhonghe直銷商,新上任的台北市235、台灣zhonghe區新上任的台北市235台灣
-----原 信息-----
: 9691d25a3ef0b21999a88dcb81980f4325861cbb@mf.rakuten.ne.jp
[mailto :9691d25a3ef0b21999a88dcb81980f4325861cbb@mf.rakuten.ne.jp]代表cafededonguri
派:星期一,可25,2015 5時28分
主題:[從樂天市場商店]裝運費確認通知咖啡館de團 要
此 封郵件是一個重要郵件約您的 訂購.
請您記錄和日後參考之用, yihsien
親愛 陳非常感謝你的選擇吧de團要在線商店。 請參閱下面的信息
有關您的訂購的產品是 以下.
命令 你。 請檢查在該命令是正確的。
實際這信息是書面與日本的態度。我們將會改變,顯示 稅.
稅 ,稅後,無固定的運送 費用.
交付費用是由重量的訂購產品的項目,包括在條例草案。 我們會讓你知道盡快的總金額的運輸費已確定。 用於裝運
此外,即使你已經回答了自動執行郵件從樂天,你可以不取消和改變,請 注意.
此外,正常的航運的貨物後無須到達在手,我們不承擔責任,在我們的地址存儲,請 檢查.
[訂購編號]198708-20150525-0630479213[購買日期]05-25-2015 17:10:24[客戶]陳yihsien[付款方法]信用卡一次性付款[券]-[方法是使用]所有[送貨]國內航運服務[ 言論]
Int 'l送貨方式詳細:jp郵政EMS估計裝運費:不估計 但
[交貨 地址]陳,宜嫺
414 台中市烏日區三榮路一段375號3樓之1台中市台中市台灣
(電話) 0922359678
價格6500(日元)X1(#)=6500(日元)(同上,非柑桔類稅費提供非柑桔 類.)
我國鄰國tototro Cat巴士鐵路拼圖鬆五套
http://global.rakuten.com/en/存儲/團要/項目/ 10005316/
價格7800(日元)X1(#)=7800(日元)(同上,執行非柑桔類稅費非柑桔 類.)
價格8500(日元)X1(#)=8500(日元)(同上,執行非柑桔類稅費非柑桔 類.)
收 貨地址:1( #)
總項目3( #)
總 項目價格22800( 日元)
小 計22800( 日元)
稅 1824( 日元)
遞送 費( 日元)
點 -1066( 日元)
總 - 日元)
供 海外遞送,我們使用 EMS.
關稅和其他稅項時可徵收的裝運達到您的國家。 如果適用,請直接支付這些費用的交付代理商或海關辦事處。 政策對這些稅項更改的每一個國家的海關 辦事處.
請 聯系在您的國家,更多細節。
非常 感謝你在我們的網上購物 店!
你 真誠,
西 山
樂天 -市場
3-1-12-石原magarikawa日本奈良(網址(http://www.rakuten.co.jp)弘美西山E-mail(donguri@shop.rakuten.co.jp am10 )
營業 時間:00~pm4:00
假日六、星期日及公眾 假期