This approach focuses on details. It is very much concerned with the steps involved in drafted, redrafted, and polishing a piece of work for arriving at the final product. There is thirteen-step procedure suggested by White and Arndt, from initial idea to final product.(first-discussion-can be one class, a small group, a pair)(second-brainstorming-an activity in which a group of people meet to suggest a lot of new ideas for possible development)(third-fast writing)(fourth-rough drafting)(fifth-preliminary self-evaluation-coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing it)(sixth-arranging information)(seventh-first draft)(eighth-group/peer evaluation and responding)(ninth-conference)(tenth-second draft)(eleventh-self-evaluation-to find and correct mistakes before it is printed or put online)(twelfth-finished draft)(thirteenth-final responding to draft)But these steps were too tedious and troublesome if you follow it without a computer. To sum up, there are two ways called The product approach and The process approach, but the book also mentioned, the process-product distinction is a false one, we need to pay attention to both process and product, not just choose one you like and never do the other one. As you start writing, you had to know both The product approach and The process approach.