• Short-term reversal (Jegadeesh, 1990) is the preceding month’s stock return (from t−1 to t). • Size (Banz, 1981) is the current market capitalization of a firm. Market capitalization is computed as the product of the stock price and the number of shares outstanding.• Variance risk premium (Bollerslev et al., 2009, “VRP”) is the difference between the implied and realized variance of stock i V RPi,t = IV 2 i,t −RVi,t, where RVi,t is the end-of-month realized variance and IVi,t is the implied volatility for stock i at the end of month t.• Vol-of-vol (Baltussen et al., 2018) is the volatility of option-implied volatilities of a stock during the past month divided by the average of the option-implied volatility.