Dear Porter
Thanks for the info your are sending to me.
Unfortunately I have had not time for analysing it yet seeing that last weeks I was imparting technical training to technicians of our partner in Bolivia and this week is Ceramic Exhibition.
I will analyse data you sent to me next week.
Anyway, we have to start thinking how to control production figures at squaring plant.
We commented that matter for a while during my last visit but I think it is the time to set which counters to take in that plant so that we can strart having data for whole production process when starting working again after Chinese new year.
Nost important point to control at squaring plant is how many m2 we pack and deliver to warehouse.
I would suggest that your colleagues and you, analyse how those m2 are counted now and if figures are reliable or if we ought to implement any new procedure for counting those m2.
I look forward for your kind reply on this last matter.