Descending quality of life. The truth and power of the gospel and therefore the quality of life for Christians are not dependent on economic, political, or social factors. To hear some Christians talk, God is bound to the “American way,” and anything less than that is destined to be disaster for the work of God. But in reality the destiny of the people of God is independent of national and international success or failure. Further, the quality of life for Christians is determined on other grounds. Upward mobility is not necessarily Christian destiny. In fact, it may be the worst curse of all if it makes one proud and independent of God. Jesus put it powerfully: “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:25).
The present hour is a moment of opportunity for the church. What better time could there be to demonstrate to the rising generation the power of our convictions? Our hope is in God and not in America and its moral or economic fortunes. Churches and pastors who know what time it is will, in the name and power of God, create communities of faith where the values of the gospel are embraced, taught, and lived out.