Bushings "Supplier to please note that the 132kV side bushings shall be of silicon rubber type.Supplier to confirm."Vendor data required in datasheet "Supplier to please provide all the vendor data as requested in the datasheet (QAL-00-104133-EA-2105-00003-0000) attached with this bid clarification.Supplier to please provide compliance for the same."Type and special test of similar Generator Transformer application and of similar rating "Supplier to note that all the type test certificate shall comply with requirement as mentioned in the DEP cl no 10 and IEC 60076-1 cl no 11 and the type tests shall be performed on relevant transformer conforming to the project requirement as 15/134.5 kV, 125/165 MVA transformer.If type test are not avialable with supplier, the cost of the type test shall be included as an Optional Price.Moreover, special test if applicable shall be quoted as optional price. "Neutral bushing CT "Supplier to consider two (2) no of CT's in the neutral bushing for the generator transformer as mentioned below:(A) REF CT : 1000/1 A, PX class, Vk = (During detail engineering) for main -1 relay(B) REF CT : 1000/1 A, PX class, Vk = (During detail engineering) for main-2 relaySupplier to please refer to attachment-2 for the protection details."Surge arrestor "Supplier to please note that the surge arrester technical parameter shall be as per the datasheet (QAL-64-0104133-EA-2105-00021-0000) attached and surge arrestor shall be mounted on the transformer body.Supplier to confirm."Neutral connection with Earth "Bidder to please note that the neutral terminal on 132kV side shall be connected to the earth via earth strip with suitable insulators mounted on the transforme body.Bidder to confirm."Busduct termination "Bidder to please note that while submitted the GA drawing bidder shall consider that LV side of transformer shall be connected with Isolated phase busduct. The tolerance on the phase to phase dimensions and elevation wise shall be as close as to zero.Also, the GA drawing submitted shall clearly indicate about the scope of supply regarding the connection of IPBD with the transformer.Supplier to please provide the GA drawing with above mentioned details alongwith the offer."Supporting arrangement for radiator Supplier to confirm that the supporting arrangement (except foundation) for all radiator and its fans is in supplier scope of supply.Busduct termination flange Supplier to please note that size of the flange used for the busduct termination at the transformer end shall be decided during detail engineering stage. Same shall be supplied by the supplier during detail engineering stage without any cost and time impact.Busduct termination Supplier to submit past executed project data with PDO for the transformer connected with the MV Air pressurized Isolated phase busduct alongwith the bid.Bushing insulators "Supplier to note that the creepage distance shall be achieved for the maximum system voltage considering 40 mm/kV.Accordingly insulator shall be selected.Supplier to confirm."Fan control cabinet & marshalling cabinet "Supplier to please note that the Fan control cabinet and Marshalling cabinet shall be mounted on the transformer body with suitable supports.Supplier to confirm."Cooling air fan "Supplier to please provide the details about the cooling fans such as voltage, rating, etc and cooling fans shall be suitable 3 phase supply. Supplier to also note that single point supply will be made available for all the cooling fans and further distribution is in supplier scope of supply.Supplier to confirm."GA drawing of RTCC panel "General arrangement drawing with heat loss of the RTCC panel shall be provided with the offer.Supplier to submit the same with the dimension."Tap change details Supplier to please provide the details about the TAP changer i.e. voltage class, rating etc.