For the normal Value, if you have not sell to Canada yet, basically we still hope to follow the regulation of CBSA by import small amount of subject goods firstly to leave the export record, then assess 170% anti-dumping duties, and will re-do dumping questionnaire to appeal to new normal value on roofing screw. This is the best solution to avoid any problem when export and customs clearance.But if you have already sold to Canada, undoubtedly, there is only one way we can do is try to modify the documents by metonymy to avoid the 170% anti-dumping fee. That’s mean though we don’t have actual normal value on roofing screw, will use the similar items to instead to solve the problem temporarily, same as what we did for our Canadian client for some items we don’t have normal value.Consequently, you will derive two sets documents, one is correct, and another is for customs clearance – which is totally different from your shipping products. Enclose you can find the list, we just try to use the similar items to instead, same class of SDS, same head mold of IHWH with same size. Please kindly check with your Canadian customer to see if can work for short-term ?Anyway, that is still not a permanent solution, just can settle a pressing need. We still hope to appeal to new normal value on roofing screw officially one by one and need your help to work cooperation together.