Next time , let me taste d expired food . It tastes especially sweet to encourage us turned very rich ASAP .
As d frozen bread .
Tauwan becomes rich Bcoz of d son of Chang Kai shei - Chang Jing kuo.
He was kidnaped by Russia n suffered d hunger in Mosco Ice land .
Everyday only d frozen very little food .
It cultivates his extremely endurance beyond others .
As a teacher , cultivate d diamond not d shit -
from our everyday mountains .
U may confirm Bhell where I stay in Manila overnight .
Only dorm 350peso 24 hrs , up n down bed *8 beds a room , accommodate 16 people in a room , no air con .
But I sleep very soundly , Bcoz in my mind , I share w/ my apps buffet meal n bring them a happy moment .
And small pressure makes d biggest happiness .
I feel very happy n satisfied though I stay at d cheapest lodge .
Remember ?
Never ! never ! never !
Never complain , never compare , never calculate ,
Look to d bright side n go to d right direction !
Right ?
Love U ...