Something about the young man had struck a chord in him; he seemed so resigned and lost, even as he glared at Rob when he caught him starring.“There you are!” a heavily gasping man got the words out before he bent resting his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. The man was middle-aged and was clinging to the final strands of his hair in a ridiculous comb over.The blond looked at him but said nothing.“You left so quickly. You really need the right kind of work and I can offer you a position working for me,” the man said as he sat down next to the blond on the bench. The bald man shifted closer. “I heard what he said, but I’m sure you’ll be able to perform the duties that I would require of you.” The meaning of the words was clear as he licked his lips. It seemed as if the man was oblivious to the steady anger growing in the blond, causing red to bloom along his pale skin. “You said you really needed the job,” he continued.Robs eyes had widened as he noticed the man’s prey had slowly shifted, and he could see the beginning of what could only be a wand. ‘Oh shit,’ he thought and looked around the park. None of the muggles seemed to be paying attention, but he couldn’t let the blond attack the man here in broad daylight.He had hurried over and stuck his arm out, separating the two, resting his other hand on the bench backrest. “He doesn’t need a job, he already has one. He’s not interested in any offer that you have, so please leave.”“Who are you?” the man said questioningly. “He’s my model.” Rob lifted the camera in his hands. “He works for me, so you can go.” The tone of his voice left no room for argument.The businessman had looked him over, trying to evaluate his chances at besting him, but thought better of attempting anything with the 6-foot-tall man. With one last look behind the blond’s new protector, he called out, “You know where you can find me for a good time and great pay!”Rob had then turned quickly to stop whatever retribution the man behind me had in mind. “I can take care of myself,” the blond said venomously.“I’m sure you can; I saw you reaching for your wand. Don’t you realize you’re surrounded by muggles! You can’t just use magic out in the open in muggle territory! Do you want the Ministry to come down on you?”He noticed the young man’s shoulders tense and started again. “Look, I don’t’ mean to chastise you but you have to be careful about these things.” He approached the blond cautiously “What do you want?” the young man said belligerently.“I know I said it to get that guy to go away, but I am looking for someone to work for me. My name’s Robert Johnson, but you can call me Rob.” He extended his hand and almost withdrew it when it wasn’t shaken right away. “Draco Malfoy.”“Nice to meet you, Draco. Would you be interested?” “What would I have to do?”“Model, you know let me take pictures of you…” Rob held his arms up in response to Draco’s wand second appearance. “Decent pictures! Not that kind! Well, sometimes a little racy,” he felt the wand poke at his side again. “It’s not like that; muggles are really into fashion and they pay to have attractive people wear their clothes. That’s all it is. You’d be photographed in their clothing and it pays well,” he finished in a hurry. “Here’s my card. If you’re interested just call me,” he extended the card, “and please put that wand away!”Draco accepted the card and stood up with a final poke to Rob’s ribs with his wand. “I will not hesitate to emasculate you should you this be a ploy to draw me into something perverse.”With that promise, he turned and walked away.“Rob!”“Rob!” his name came again and he snapped out of his reverie. His assistant was waving her hand in front of his face trying to catch his attention. “Hurry! We need to get the shots from today ready.” He grabbed his equipment bag and hurried to the door, not surprised to see the robe where Draco had dropped it. Draco still was that same high maintenance little brat he’d met in the park, but he was a genuinely interesting person to be around- when the mood swing permitted it, that is. He wondered if that’s what had driven the blond’s lover to leave?