The generation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to human activities is one of the leadingcauses of environmental degradation [1]. A significant portion of GHG emissions is created throughtransportation [1]. People’s choice of transportation mode impacts environmental sustainability,and ultimately environmental quality [2–4]. The generation of GHG emissions contributes to climatechange and 82% of GHG emissions are carbon dioxide (CO2) [1,5]. Previous research corroboratesthat spectator’s choice of mode for traveling to sporting events has a significant negative impacton environmental sustainability [1,6,7]. Sports are a large part of society and a catalyst for humanbehaviors, which indirectly and negatively affect the environment [8]. The United Nations commented:“sporting events, sport facilities, sport activities and manufacture of sporting goods have an impact onnatural environment” [9]. When individuals participate in sporting events, the natural environment isimpacted [10]. The negative impact on environmental sustainability can be attributed to sport facilities’operation, the consumption of products and services at sporting events and the transportation modesused by participants to travel to sporting events [4,11].