But statins, like any drug, carry the risk of side effects: muscle aches are well-known effect, and periodic blood tests to check liver function are recommended. The fact is, many of us just like to eat cheeseburgers, lie back and watch TV, and get around in cars. And it’s hard says Leslie Cho, a director at the Cleveland Clinic, for a person to worry about a disease that hits ten years down the read-particularly since heart patients, unlike cancer patients, can’t easily observe the progress of their disease. “You’ve done damage over years, and it will take years to undo that damage. That’sa very hard thing to sell, “she says. We do what we can, but then people go home.但他汀類藥物和其他藥物一樣,也有副作用的風險:肌肉酸痛是眾所周知的作用,以及建議定期進行血液檢查以檢查肝功能。事實上,我們很多人只是喜歡吃芝士漢堡,躺著看電視,坐在車裏到處轉悠。克利夫蘭診所的主任Leslie Cho說,對於一個人來說,很難擔心一種疾病,