I dont like Luxury brand, with me any brand is ok, only my wife like Channel, Gucci, Prada, LV...I ever bought for her a handbag expensive, she very like it. And when her birthday, i presented her a diamond earrings, Ring Gold 999. She hugged me and kissed me many times. I knew she very like it, all women is like it, but need to see their husband's budget. You buy it 1000, but after you sale it only below 800$, even you only wore 1 time or 2 times. but if you bought a cheap like a shirt 10$, you wear it for several years, after it starnish, cracked, you can threw or donate your clother for poor people . you still donot regret your money paid for.I knoe nowaday people always look at your clothes is how much, your shoes is how much?.....And if that luxury brand they can think you rich or high income, or Fashion person. but i think Luxury goods canot make you how in their eyes , only your character and your attitude is decide person respect you or not. Luxury goods can not, only make people think you have money to got it.
我不想豪華品牌,與我任何品牌是好,隻是我的妻子想頻道、Gucci,PRADA、lv.........我以往任何時候都為她買了一個手袋昂貴,她非常喜歡它。 ,當她的生日,我提出了她一個鑽石耳環、戒指黃金999。 她抱著我,吻了我很多倍。 我知道她非常喜歡它,所有婦女是喜歡它,但必須看到其丈夫的預算。 你買1000,後出售,但你隻有低於800、甚至你隻穿著1時間或2倍,但如果你想買一個廉價的襯衫、穿10幾年後,它starnish破獲一起,投擲或捐出你,你可以為各國窮人.你仍多諾很遺憾,你的錢支付.我knoe時人總是看你是衣服鞋是多少,你 多少?.....如果豪華品牌他們可以相信你豐富或高收入人士,或時裝。但我認為奢侈品卡諾使您如何在他們眼中,隻有你的性格和你們的態度是決定人尊重你或沒有。 奢侈品,隻可以不讓人覺得你已經有了 錢.