IT Will BE at The First Child for Hashian, A Singer-Songwriter, and at The SECOND for Johnson, 43, WHO has A 14-year-Old Daughter, Simone, the with EX-Wife and College Sweetheart, Dany Garcia. Garcia and Johnson Split in the After Marriage A 10 year 2007. "We've been Fortunate enough to spend 17 years at The Last Together AS A couple and look Forward to Spending Our Lives Together at The REST AS Business Partners, and Best Friends," at The Time of He Said AT. Johnson, WHO has remained Friends the with Garcia and Whose Trainer IS HER new new Husband, reportedly Began dating Hashian that Same year. at The Former Pro-Wrestler turned the Actor has credited Hashian the with Helping HIM to Achieve Success. "We do THESE Stories and We Talk SO much the About the business end, the success end, but then Lauren is not mentioned and my daughter [Simone] is not mentioned. I always like making sure we find the balance and my home life is in there and Lauren Hashian is in there and my IS in there by You Gotta Daughter at The GET of Better Half in there, "Scorpion King at The Star in 2014. Told Esquire. " With All at The Cool S - T and Success that the I've been Lucky enough to GET Not that does happen? Solid at The Home Life IS The unless. " Johnson has yet to Confirm The at The Reports in public.