When I was five years old, I got sick. I got Kosaki. Kosaki is a very 的中文翻譯

When I was five years old, I got si

When I was five years old, I got sick. I got Kosaki. Kosaki is a very dangerous and scary disease, if serious it could cause death. At that time there is no medicine for Kosaki, and I’m very sick, my body is so weak and near death, it doesn’t look good at all. Even in such a situation that seems hopeless my mom still don’t give up, she prayed for me and asked God to heal. God listened to my mom’s prayers, and in a week’s time my sickness was gradually healed. After I got better, my mom saw from the news that many kid around four to five years old got sick because of Kosaki and died, not just a few but a few tens. At that time I’m a kid and I have no feeling, but now when my parents talked about it, I am very thankful because if it was not God’s mercy and healing, I would not have the chance to stand here and share with you my testimony.

When I was twelve years old, because I didn’t study I was assigned to the last class in the school. That year was the darkest year of my life. In my class there was a few bad boy in class, and they like to bully me. For the whole year I am being bullied by them, they break my stuff like my pencil and water bottle, hit me, insult me, framed me, provoke me, belittle me, and played me. This was not just one day or two days, but for a whole year I felt scared and terrified, it was so painful that I nearly went crazy. And slowly every day, I began to feel hatred and vengeful in my heart, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, I quarrel and even fight with them. Every day the feeling add up, more and more, more and more until the thought of killing them appear in my heart. I even made up my mind that when I grew up I want to kill all of these people who bullies me. Every day I imagine in my heart how I would kill them, my heart is filled with bitterness and there was no peace and joy in my heart. It was so real that it filled my entire heart, to forgive them is impossible to me.

On the next year when I was thirteen, God led me to a youth fellowship in church. In the fellowship God use the life of a big brother to change me. I felt Jesus love through him and know that trust and depend on God is so happy and able. The big brother lead me to Jesus Christ, and I accept Jesus as my one and only savior and let him take control over my life. After I accept and invite Jesus into my life, I started to change. I started to change from a person which is filled with bitterness and hatred to a person who can completely forgive my enemy and even love people. From a person who wants revenge so hard that would even thought of killing to a person who answer God’s calling and resolve to become a pastor. From very emotional and extremely bad tempered to gentle and patience; from a person without joy and hope to a person filled with joy and hope.

Knowing Jesus is the best thing in my life, I long to share this blessing with everyone around me. After that I started to serve with passion in church and share gospel with my friends. Through serving and sharing gospel I experienced many God’s grace and His presence. I willingly give my life all in front of God for Him to use, I live only for God, my life is different because of this belief!
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
五岁的时候,病了。我湖崎。湖崎是非常危险和可怕的疾病,如果严重可能导致死亡。那时候还有无药治湖崎,和非常厌倦,我的身体是如此虚弱和接近死亡,它看起来不好根本。即便是在令人绝望的情况我妈妈仍不放弃,她为我祷告,求上帝医治。上帝听我妈妈祈祷,并在一周的时间我的病渐渐好了。我得到更好后,从许多孩子四至五岁左右的新闻我妈妈看见湖崎因为生病,死了,不只是一个几个而是几千万人。那时候我是个孩子,我有没有感觉,但现在当我的父母谈到它,我很感激因为如果它不是神的怜悯和愈合,我不会有机会站在这里和大家分享一下我的证词。十二年的时候老了,因为我没有读书我被分配到最后一班在学校。那年是我生命的灰暗的一年。我班上课,是几个坏男孩,他们喜欢欺负我。全年我我被欺负他们,他们打破了我的东西像我的铅笔和水的瓶子,打我、 侮辱我、 陷害我,惹我,轻视我,和演奏的是我。这不只是一天或两天,但整整一年我感到害怕和恐惧,它是如此痛苦我几乎发疯。慢慢地每一天,我开始感到仇恨和复仇在我心中,以眼还眼,以牙还牙,我争吵,甚至与他们战斗。每一天都感觉加起来,越来越多,越来越多直到杀了他们的思想出现在我的心。我甚至我下定决心,长大之后我想杀死所有那些欺负我的人。每一天,我就想象在我的心怎么会他们,杀了我的心充满了苦涩和没有和平和快乐在我心中。它是如此的真实,它充满了我整个的心,原谅他们是不可能给我。第二年,当时十三岁,神带领我在教会里的青年团契。在研究金神使用一个大哥哥的生活来改变我的。我觉得耶稣爱通过他知道这种信任和依赖上帝是如此快乐,能。我的大哥哥导致耶稣基督,和我接受耶稣是我的唯一的救主,让他掌控我的生活。我接受并邀请耶稣进入我的生活后,我开始改变。我开始改变从一个充满痛苦和仇恨的人的人可以完全宽恕我的仇敌,甚至爱人民的人。从一个人这么想复仇硬,会甚至想杀害一个人回答上帝的呼召,并决心成为一名牧师。从非常情绪化和极坏脾气温柔和耐心;从一个人没有欢乐和希望,向一个人充满了喜悦和希望。认识耶稣是最好的在我的生活,我渴望与身边的每个人都分享这祝福。在那之后我开始为在教会里的热情提供服务,与我的朋友们分享福音。通过服务和分享福音,我经历了许多神的恩典和他的存在。我愿意付出我所有在前面的他用神的生活,我只为神而活,我的生活是不同的由于这种信念 !
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