LIFE UPDATE: My psychotic ex showed up at my house and attacked me. I fought him off and im fine. He had a knife but I disarmed him. After it was over, I told a friend because he sensed I was hiding something. He got worried and hasn't responded to my messages. +Official T.O.P please talk to me I'm worried....
im just worried about you that is all
+Official T.O.P angel please just talk to me. I'll answer any questions you have just please talk to me
i want to see how you look on chays please and why didnt you call the ploi9ce
+Official T.O.P I didn't call the police because by the time I realized what was happening he was already inside my house
+Official T.O.P I figured if I was quiet and didn't talk he wouldn't find me as fast
where did you go to hida did you lock a room to hide
+Official T.O.P I hid in my closet angel. The way my closet is designed, If I hide in there I can disarm anyone easily
+Official T.O.P also I'm not sending you a picture of how I look until you respond on chat so get on it
did you not go in the bathromm i thought thaty has a oock
+Official T.O.P he was in the hallway between me and the bathroom when I thought of it. Angel I've had training in self defense. I'm a black belt in tae kwon do. And I have been trained on how to disarm anyone of any known weapon. That training is probably the only reason I'm alive right now. I'll send you a picture of how I look like on hangouts. But you need to message me on there before I do so I know you're okay
ok i will