HOOK UP. For the C-27J: 13 jumpers per outboard anchor line cable (JM included).CAUTIONMass exit is not authorized for this aircraft. It is recommended that all first time jumpers be briefed planeside regarding the narrow size of the paratroop door and the undisturbed high-velocity airflow immediately outside of the paratroop door prior to their first jump on the C-27J.CHECK STATIC LINES. The last two jumpers turn towards the skin of the aircraft. The second to the last jumper checks the last jumper’s USLM. Each jumper checks the universal static line modified of the jumper to their front.10-103. Safety inspections: Once the safeties have reached the last jumper, and after the command, “CHECK STATIC LINES,” they begin their return to the aft end of the aircraft. While moving towards the paratroop door, the safety will check or inspect with both hands and eyes:Safeties check the entire length of each jumper’s USLM from the universal static line snap hook to the main curved pin protector flap, and that it is attached to the anchor line cable with the opening gate facing towards the skin of the aircraft.Stow any excess static line in the static line slack retainer band so that each static line is taut from the anchor line cable to the pack tray, but not to the point where the excess static line loop hangs below the main curved pin protector flap.Ensure the USLM is properly stowed to the static line stow bars with no slack and that the USLM has not become lodged under the main curved pin protector flap.Ensures the jumper has the proper bight (four in the hand, two below) and that the USLM is routed over the proper shoulder, not under the arm, and elbow held high.If a member of the JM team determines that a jumper’s USLM is not stowed in the proper manner, that jumper will not exit the aircraft.Reminds all jumpers to make eye-to-eye contact and hand their static line to the safety.WARNINGDo not sacrifice safety for time, complete the full inspection of each jumper’s USLM. If the inspection cannot be completed in time, the pass will be aborted. An improperly routed USLM can cause death or serious injury.CHECK EQUIPMENT. JMs lean left, then lean right and observe the stick of jumpers as they check their equipment. Once all movement has ceased, both JMs will give each other a thumbs up. This tells the other JM that their jumper’s equipment is good and they are ready to proceed. After the thumbs up has been issued, both JMs will check their own equipment.SOUND OFF FOR EQUIPMENT CHECK. This command is passed from the forward to the aft portion of the aircraft by each jumper.
HOOK UP. For the C-27J: 13 jumpers per outboard anchor line cable (JM included).<br><br><br>CAUTION<br>Mass exit is not authorized for this aircraft. It is recommended that all first time jumpers be briefed planeside regarding the narrow size of the paratroop door and the undisturbed high-velocity airflow immediately outside of the paratroop door prior to their first jump on the C-27J.<br><br>CHECK STATIC LINES. The last two jumpers turn towards the skin of the aircraft. The second to the last jumper checks the last jumper’s USLM. Each jumper checks the universal static line modified of the jumper to their front.<br><br>10-103. Safety inspections: Once the safeties have reached the last jumper, and after the command, “CHECK STATIC LINES,” they begin their return to the aft end of the aircraft. While moving towards the paratroop door, the safety will check or inspect with both hands and eyes:<br><br>Safeties check the entire length of each jumper’s USLM from the universal static line snap hook to the main curved pin protector flap, and that it is attached to the anchor line cable with the opening gate facing towards the skin of the aircraft.<br><br>Stow any excess static line in the static line slack retainer band so that each static line is taut from the anchor line cable to the pack tray, but not to the point where the excess static line loop hangs below the main curved pin protector flap.<br><br>Ensure the USLM is properly stowed to the static line stow bars with no slack and that the USLM has not become lodged under the main curved pin protector flap.<br><br>Ensures the jumper has the proper bight (four in the hand, two below) and that the USLM is routed over the proper shoulder, not under the arm, and elbow held high.<br><br>If a member of the JM team determines that a jumper’s USLM is not stowed in the proper manner, that jumper will not exit the aircraft.<br><br>Reminds all jumpers to make eye-to-eye contact and hand their static line to the safety.<br><br>WARNING<br>Do not sacrifice safety for time, complete the full inspection of each jumper’s USLM. If the inspection cannot be completed in time, the pass will be aborted. An improperly routed USLM can cause death or serious injury.<br><br>CHECK設備。JMS精益離開,然後是精益權,並觀察跳線的棒,因為他們檢查他們的設備。一旦所有的運動已經停止,這兩個JMS都會給彼此一個豎起大拇指。這告訴其他JM,他們的跳線的裝備好,他們準備繼續進行。豎起大拇指已經發出後,兩個JMS會檢查自己的裝備。<br><br>SOUND關閉設備檢查。該命令從向前傳遞到由每個跳線飛行器的後部。