Hello liucundong liu,
Thank you for listing your domain names on our marketplace!
In order to ensure that domains are only listed for sale by their rightful owners, Sedo double-checks the ownership of all newly added domains.
To verify that you are the current owner of the domains listed at the end of the email, please complete one of the following ownership verification methods:
1. Forward the DNS Server of the domain to NS1.SEDOPARKING.COM and NS2.SEDOPARKING.COM (see “Park Domains” at sedo.com)
2. Send us a screen shot attachment of your Registrar account containing all of the following information:
- domain name
- period of registration and expiration date
- your contact data matching the data in your Sedo account
3. Remove the privacy setting on the domain so the registrant information is visible via a whois search (Please note that the technical update can take up to 72 hours).
If there is no visible WHOIS entry visible for your domains (e.g. TLDs which do not support a WHOIS query such as .to) please only use the second option to verify your ownership of the domains.
With your assistance in this Process, you are helping us to ensure a fraud-free and better functioning marketplace for all Sedo users.
We appreciate your understanding in this matter and thank you in advance for your support.
The list of domains that needs to be confirmed:
Best Regards,
Your Sedo Team
Customer Support - UK/International
Sedo GmbH :: Im Mediapark 6 :: 50670 Cologne :: Germany
tel +49 221.34030.230 :: fax +49 221.34030.102
http://www.sedo.com :: contact@sedo.com
Set Buy Now prices, and SedoMLS distributes your domains at Go Daddy and over 60 other partners!
District Court of Cologne HRB 35019
Board of Management: Axel Hamann, Tobias Flaitz
________________________:: make a name for yourself.
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