Nursing Theory Critique 1121 WordsMar 5, 20145 Pages Abstract In this paper I will perform an evaluation of Martha Rogers's theory of the Science of Unitary Human Beings using Chinn & Kramer (2004) model for evaluating a theory. The evaluation will reflect description of the theory as well as critical reflection of the theory that Chinn & Kramer (2004) has utilized in developing the criteria for evaluating theories. Theory Critique Chinn and Kramer (as citied by Meleis, 2012) developed a model that has given a reviewer a set of questions to help in the evaluation of theories and the knowledge that it incorporates. The questions lead the reviewer through the description and critical reflection of the theory. In the following paragraphs I will address each question purposed as it relates to Martha Rogers's theory of the Science of Unitary Human Beings. The questions deal with the purpose, concepts, relationships, structure and assumptions of the theory.