In this paper, we propose to lower the network design margins by improving the estimation of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) given by a quality of transmission (QoT) estimator, for new optical demands in a brownfield phase, based on a mathematical model of the physics of propagation. During the greenfield phase and the network operation, we collect and correlate information on the QoT input parameters, issued from the established initial demands and available almost for free from the network elements: amplifiers output power and the SNR at the coherent receiver side. Since we have some uncertainties on these input parameters of the QoT model, we use a machine learning algorithm to reduce them, improving the accuracy of the SNR estimation. With this learning process and for a European backbone network (28 nodes, 41 links), we could reduce the QoT inaccuracy by several dBs for new demands whatever the amount of uncertainties of the initial parameters.