ACTIONS DURING RETURN TO DEPARTURE AIRFIELD10-96. Safety personnel will assist the loadmaster in retrieving the USLMs and deployment bags. Once the USLMs and deployment bags are inside the aircraft, safety personnel detach the USLMs and store them with the deployment bags in extra AKBs/UPRBs, 15 deployment bags per aviator’s kit bag and 30 deployment bags per UPRB.10-97. While en route to the departure airfield, safety personnel will get the name, rank, service number, unit and reason for any alibi jumpers left onboard the aircraft. They also check the aircraft for any jumping unit equipment that was left onboard for turn-in to the DACO, collect trash and airsick bags.10-98. 10-99.Before leaving, assist the aircrew in reconfiguring the aircraft by reinstalling all necessary seats and seat belts if subsequent lifts are planned. This assists the U.S. Air Force to be ready for any additional training or follow on missions they may have to support.10-99. At the departure airfield, safety personnel will escort all personnel left aboard the aircraft, including jump refusals, to the DACO according to the unit SOP. Safety personnel will also turn over any unit or personal equipment left aboard the aircraft and complete any necessary paperwork to the DACO according to unit SOP.