including carbon dioxide and methane. As a result,
the Earth's atmosphere appears to be trapping more of the sun's heat, causing the
Earth's average temperature to rise - a phenomenon known as global warming. Many
scientists believe that global warming could have significant impacts on human health,
agriculture, water resources, forests, wildlife, and coastal areas
including carbon dioxide and methane. As a result,the Earth's atmosphere appears to be trapping more of the sun's heat, causing theEarth's average temperature to rise - a phenomenon known as global warming. Manyscientists believe that global warming could have significant impacts on human health,agriculture, water resources, forests, wildlife, and coastal areas

termasuk karbon dioksida dan metana. Hasilnya,
atmosfera Bumi nampaknya memerangkap lebih daripada panas matahari, menyebabkan
suhu purata Bumi meningkat - satu fenomena yang dikenali sebagai pemanasan global. Ramai
saintis percaya bahawa pemanasan global boleh mempunyai kesan yang besar ke atas kesihatan manusia,
pertanian, sumber air, hutan, hidupan liar, dan kawasan pantai