Grow Breasts Bigger in 3 Months with 100% Natural Pueraria Mirifica Herbs! Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) Natural Breast Enhancement
Get 1-2 Cup Size Breast Growth with Breakthrough Natural 'Miracle Herb!'
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Discover How to Get Natural Breast Enlargement Permanently in Just 90 Days
Because after all, an herb so powerful that it actually causes the breasts to grow by 1 to 3 cup sizes in 3 to 6 months, actually haults or even reverses the effects of menopause including hot flashes, night sweats, wrinkling skin, and vaginal dryness, and even helps you grow a full, dark head of silky hair and strong, long nails well into your 80s must be loaded with toxic properties, right?
Absolutely NOT! That’s what makes PM so different than anything else yet discovered. The Pueraria Mirifica side effects research we did and experienced during and after actually using the herb are very few when taken correctly.
Laboratory tests, the LD50 test, specifically measures the level of ability or the dosage that it would take to kill a rat or other animal after 14 days; expressed in weight of material per kilogram of body weight. Water, for instance, scores a 16 with this test.
It was administered in the lab test, it scored an amazing 40! This results in NO deaths at all in animals that were tested. In other words, Pueraria Mirifica side effects are less toxic than water! Try our top rated product today to get maximum results without negative pueraria mirifica side effects.
What’s even more impressive is that other tests show that even acute exposure to Pueraria Mirifica Root, up to 6 times the recommended daily dosage was given to laboratory animals over 14 days, or the equivalent of 45,000 human doses consumed over a 90 day period, still NO toxic evidence was found!
Plus it hasn’t produced any adverse effects or signs of toxicity in healthy menstruating women aged 20 to 49 years during a 6 month period of daily consumption! IN other words, it’s completely SAFE and harmless for consumption.
So let’s keep in mind that Pueraria Mirifica is very powerful and has more estrogenic activity than ANY other known substance in the world. Its estrogenic activity is 3,000 times stronger than soy isoflavones and 100 times more powerful than red clover – the most popular natural menopausal alternatives to date.
[DON'T RISK YOUR HEALTH! Learn More & Try Our Top Rated Pueraria Mirifica Product That's Pure, FDA Approved and Clinically Tested. It's 100% Safe & Comes With a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee to Ensure a Risk-Free Trial!]
That means that menopausal women now have the super-safe “Miracle herb” that solves all the problems they’ve been desperate to get rid of – with no side effects.
Women who’ve tried various breast enlargement supplements that were supposed to work found several side effects to be present. You see most breast enhancement products on the market contain a conglomerate of various herbs that have pytoestrogenic activity such as red clover, black cohosh, wild yam, saw palmetto, fenugreek, soy, and others.
They throw all of these ingredients together and market these products as containing all the properties a woman needs to grow her breasts. And that’s half-way true. Meaning, yes, these products have estogenic activity, but no; it's not enough to actually grow breasts in the vast majority of users.
Additionally, these products also throw in tropical herbs that many women have reported to be allergic to, as well as bring side effects like nausea and headaches.
Why Some Pueraria Mirifica Brands & Products Aren't Safe & May Cause Allergic Reactions
If you’ve been trying other Pueraria Mirifica brands and found that you were allergic or you've had stomach aches more often, there's three possible reasons why:
→ You are allergic to Pepper (Piper Chaba Hunt.), this is the most common reason.
→ You are allergic to Ginger (Zingiber officinalis Roscoe)
→ You might be allergic to Sappanwood (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn). If you are allergic at the beginning of the summer time (flowers, trees) then you are definitely allergic to this.
Why you cannot avoid this:
Because the real content is NOT revealed on product label. You cannot get any info of other herbs which so often are informed as "other tropical herbs" or names that are in a Latin language.
How to Better Avoid Potential Allergic Reactions
We recommend a product source who only uses natural substances that are suitable to any person. If you feel you are a "hyper allergic person" and you still want to try please take precaution with ANY traditional herbs.
Give it a try and make your own observations. First signs of effects are usually skin & hair related. Facial skin starts to feel less oily and more elastic. This usually happens after 10-30 days. Afterwards the PM effects to breasts starts and they begin to get firmer and then you know that PM is