The model and items used for measurement are well discussed in their paper, so we do not intend to reiterate them here. Based onFig. 1, the xs in our case are perceived quality, brand awareness, brand image, management trust, and brand reliability. The hs are brand loyalty and brand choice intention. Forxs we have 16 indicators. For example loyalty is measured through three indicators (BL1, BL2, BL3), intention through three indicators (BR1, BR2 and BR3), etc.All observed variables are on a Likert scale(1)e(7). To generate the data for a specific replication we use the following strategy:a) We estimate the model by maximum likelihood (ML) assuming all covariance matrices are diagonal.b) Using the estimated parameters we generate hi; xi; xi; yi as described above.c) Since the data is continuous we transform to Likert scale using the minimum and maximum values of the continuous data. The covariance matrix is recomputed using the new ordinal data.